I LOVE the holidays. Thanksgiving and Christmas have always been my favorite times of the year. I love everything about them (YES...even the hectic in Christmas!)
Well, since it is now just about Thanksgiving...I decided I wanted to think about some of the things I'm thankful for.
Today, I am thankful for:
#1 The life that I was given (because someone has to do MY LIFE, right?!)
#2 My beautiful family who I love soooo much. My boys and my husband are my whole world.
#3 Jared.....Jared.....and more of Jared! My Angel who now watches over our family. I feel
so much JOY when I think about him and the life he led while here with us. I really never knew what JOY meant until Jared left....but now I understand PERFECTLY! All I can say is
Jared is my meaning of JOY! I hope all of you can and do experience what I have had. (A
feeling like no other.)You know what....you should have seen his SMILE....absolutely LIGHTS
up my world just thinking about it, like right now....I see his smile and it can turn my day
from bad to good just like that. It really is an AMAZING feeling!
#4 Eric....my husband....the guy I met at Giant 18 or so years ago....fell in love with his whole
being. For those of you who know him.....you can see why I wanted him all to my self...you
know how good of a person he is and always will be.....no matter what...even after the loss of
his SON...his BOY...his HERO. I believe that's one of the biggest things I miss so much,
seeing the relationship that I saw with Jared and Eric. They gave so much to each other.
Eric was and is the best father that could have been given to Jared. I am so glad that I got to
experience their love for each other because by seeing what I've seen, I grew in SPIRIT.
AWESOME.....AWESOME human experience!!
#5 Logan ....Logan is only 9 years old....and he has been throught a lot in his young life.
He experienced a tragedy (watching his brother die) He was at a loss of words, you could see
so much sadness in his eyes and it hurt like HELL to watch. I couldn't bare it....my kids were
and are my world. Now, one was leaving me and the other was hurt beyond belief and there
wasn't a damn thing I could do about it.....but SUFFER and try to make it through. I was
suffering inside myself....so much I wanted to crawl out of my body. Luckily.....here we all are
today.....beautiful family as can be...YES...with one less member, but, not really because he is
still with us...just in a different dimension....I feel him all the time....protecting all of us in one
way or the other.
#6 Aidan...my last baby of our family. Yes...no more, I'm done! Thank you. It's been nice but I've
had my share....5 pregnancies is enough for this little body. I had my tubes tied with my
Caeserian (spelling??) section. Aidan is our TOUGH GUY!. He is not as sensitive as Logan,
(probably because he didn't exprience the stress of having a special needs child around...and
for that I'm sad that Aidan never really knew Jared. He was only 1 when Jared passed
away.) Aidan is a handful in a way that Jared and Logan were not. He is Mr. Attitude with an
extra attitude....needs attitude adjustment as he storms away right now because he can't
have his way. He wants to go play Dragonball on the X Box. This kid is 3 and a half...and he's
video game addicted. He follows his brother on that. We've now decided to make the game
playing once a day, if that. We've let it go too far now. Aidan used to love doing Jigsaw puzzles
and it seems now like he couldn't care less. I know what Santa is bringing him for Christmas...
lots of Jigsaw puzzles, although I do want to get him the Leapfrog Leap Pad....at least then
he could learn while having fun, right?! I'll tell ya....gotta love him...because he's a riot!
#7 The times I actually get to sit down at dinner to eat and enjoy my family. I'm only home in
the morning and afternoons because I work all evening and night. I come home when my
family is in bed. I am grateful on my days off when I actually get to be with them.
#8 My love of jewelry and card (scrapbook) designing. Although lately, it's been just jewelry
because I only have so much time to CREATE! Also, I get in these crafting MOODS, where I
want to do one or the other and sometime (although rarely anymore) it's crocheting.
#9 My friends and family who mean so much to me. You all know who you are and I love you all
like brothers and sisters that we all are!
#10 The people I meet each and every day at my job. I love to spread kindness with each and
every one of my customers that come through my aisle (I am a cashier at Giant.) I have
found some really decent people out there. Although, sometimes my inner bitchiness comes
out and YES I want to lash out at the ones who are selfish and mean....but I bite my tongue
and proceed with KINDNESS that they (don't really) deserve! There are a few couples that
I actually enjoy their company! It makes my job worthwhile.
#11 Lots of everything else...i.e. FOOD, BOOKS, MUSIC, and of course TECHNOLOGY and the
things that are and is to come because I know I've not listed half of all there is to be thankful
for....and that.....my friends, is what life is all about...the reality that everything is what we
ask for either in this life or another....because God is good and that's what it all begins with!
Thanks for reading and until next time.....Enjoy the holiday!
Happy Thanksgiving.